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Presented by Persimmon Telecommunications                                                                              Updated: July 24, 2022

Conference Call Services for Meetings and Webinars

How to Choose a Conference Service for Enterprise or Small-Medium Business use!

Our team can help you determine which meeting and/or webinar service best satisfies your firm'sneeds. We will examine the importance to you of things like:

  1. Do you desire a system to be used for
    • meetings where everyone has an opportunity to talk and present, or do you want a system for
    • webinars where one or more presenters do most of the talking possibly with a Q&A period? If the audience is large, Q&A may be by chat or a Q&A window or by a moderator choosing when to unmute an audience member.
    • Or, would you like a system that allows both meetings and webinars?
  2. What’s the maximum number of attendees that you expect at any one session? Is there a maximum now that will grow in the future?
  3. Do you want your system to work for phone calls only, for online use only, or should it allow both for each event?
  4. Do you want there to be toll free numbers for accessing events?
  5. Do you wish to have access numbers in different parts of the country? In different countries?
  6. What live controls do you want the host to have during a meeting?
  7. Is there a maximum time commitment you’d like to make – e.g., a 1-year contract?

Low rate Conference Call services for enterprises or SMBs!

Depending on your needs and preferences, there are many conference services available. For example, one of the most popular, Zoom, offers outstanding on-demand automated reliable conferencing anytime without reservations, enhanced web administration and lots of features with international access at no additional cost. However, many firms see good reasons to use other services. Our complimentary consulting service will guide you to the best option for your situation. Contact us for a personalized Conference Service review and recommendation.

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